Section 4. Staying with a British family - cтраницы 16, 17, 18
18. Read the words. Write them down info five groups. One word can be put in different groups
Use: tall, pretty, green, beautiful, short, brown, nice, slim, wavy, red, straight, good-looking, grey, fat, long, fair, blue, green, hadsorne, dark
Height: tall, short
Size: slim, fat, ling, plumb
Hair (colour, style): fair, red, dark; straight, wavy
Eyes (colour): green, brown, grey, blue
Appearance: pretty, beautiful, nice, good-looking, handsome
19. Match the words with the oppozite meanings. Write them down
Use: short, happy, slim, young, handsome, athletic, wavy, smart, dark, tall, big, naughty, polite, sad, plumb, fair, small, old, ugly, obedient, rude, sad, stupid, straight, non-athletic
Short - tall, happy - sad, slim - plumb, young - old, handsome - ugly, athletic - non-athletic, wavy - straight, smart - stupid, dark - fair, big - small, naughty - obedient, polite - rude
20. a) Fill in the gaps
Like (любить, нравиться):
- What is she like? (Какая она, какой у нее харакер?)
- What does he look like? (Как он выглядит? На кого он похож?)
- What do you like? (Что ты любишь? Что вы любите?)
- Would you like...? (Хотел бы ты...? Хотели бы вы?)
- like to do/doing (любить делать что-то)
b) Make up questions
Example: What would you like? - An ice cream, plese
1. What is Mike like? - Mike is smart and curious. He is only four but the asks lots of questions
2. What do you like to do? - I like to swim
3. What does Jane look like? - Jane is as tell as her sister. But her hair is red and she wears glasses
4. Would you like some juice? - Yes, plese
5. Do they look like their father? - Yes, they look like their father
6. Do you like to play? - No, I prefer playing badminton
21. Read the words in transcription. Write them down with letters
22. Translate from Russian into English
a) красивая девочка - beautiful girl
приятный молодой мужчина - a handsome young man
гостеприимная семья - a hospitable family
непослушный мальчик - a naughty boy
любящие родители - loving parents
б) 1. У меня есть племянник Алекс. Алекс - сын моей старшей сестры. Ему пять лет. У Алекса светлые волосы и серые глаза. Он похож на свою маму. Алекс любит играть в футбол и рисовать
I have got a nephew, Alex. Alex is my older sister`s sun. He is five. He has fair hair and grey eyes. He looks like his mother. Alex likes playing football and drawing
2. Как она выглядит? - У нее волнистые темные волосы. Она носит очки
What is she like? - She has wavy dark hair. She wears glasses
3. На кого похожа твоя племянница? - Она похожа на своего папу
What does your niece look like? - She look likes her father
4. Бабушка, расскажи мне о дедушке. Каким он был? - Он был очень добрым и общительным человеком. У него было много друзей. Ты очень похож на своего деда
Granny, tell me about my grandfather, plese. What was he like? - He was a kind and siciable man. He had a lot of friends. You look like your grandfather
23. Write down the holidays of five people you know
Example: My nephew`s birthday is on the third of May
My mother`s birthday is on the thirteens of Decenber (У моей мамы день рождения тринадцатого декабря)
My dad`s birthday is the ninth of may, Victory day (У моего папы день рождения 9 мая, в день Великой победы)
My little brother has a birthday on 5 December (У моего младшего брата день рождения 5 декабря)
My aunt`s birthday the twelfth of January (У моей тети день рождения двенадцатого января)
My cousin`s birthday is the twenty-third of September (У моего двоюродного брата день рождения двадцать третьего сентября)
24. Complete the text. Put the verbs in the Past Simple
I woke up at 7 a.m., made my bed and got ready for school. For breakfast I had cornflakes and sandwiches. Then I walked to school with my friends. I didn`t walk Jeff, our dog. My mother took him to the park in the morning.
My classes began at 9 a.m. I studied French and Maths. At 10.30 a.m., there was time for a break. We played basketball in the gym. At 12.00, I went back to my house for lunch. After that, I returned to school. We worked on our project about the wonders of nature.
I came home at 3 p.m. First, I did my homework. It wasn`t difficult. Next, I cheked my e-mail and wrote the letters to my penfriends in Russia and Italy. I didn`t browse the Internet. I didn`t have time for that.
At 6 p.m., I had my guitar lesson. After the lesson, I looked after my little brother, Sam. We drew and watched funny cartoons. After dinner, I helped my motherto do the washing up.
At 9 p.m., I went to bed.
25. Write what you did yesterday
Задание выполнятется самостоятельно (по аналогии с заданием 24)
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