16. Напиши, какие два важных дела ты сделал (-а) на прошлой неделе, а какие нет

Example: I cleaned my room Last Wednesday; I didn`t repair my bike last week

1) I cooked dinner for my family last Monday

2) I didn`t clean my room last week

3) I washed up dish last Tuesday

4) I didn`t take the vacuum-cleaner last week

17. Исправь предложения

Example: Miss Chatter had a big crocodile - Miss Chatter didn,t have a big crocodile

1) Tiny wrote songs for pop-singers last year - Tiny didn`t write songs for pop-singers last year

2) Billy was in Antarctica three days ago - Billy wasn`t in Antarctica three days ago

3) The boy drank cold and dirty water yesterday - The boy didn`t drink cold and dirty water yesterday

4) Jill played football an hour ago - Jill didn`t play football an hour ago

5) Tim and Tom were in the desert a week ago - Tim and Tom weren`t in the desert a week ago

18. Вставь пропущенные глаголы: was,were,did,could

Example: Rose was not tall and she could not take the book from the shelf

1) The boy looked at his sister

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