1. Расставь буквы в правильном порядке и напиши слова.

i, e, f, d, l – field

r, a, o, d – road

r, v, i, r, e – river

r, b, i, g, d, e – bridge

r, a, g, e, d, n – garden

o, h, s, r, e – horse

2. Напиши недостающие слова

Рабочая тетрадь Enjoy English 4 класс Биболетова Денисенко - Sections 1. We like the place we live! - 1

one many one many






cities shelf shelves
cild children room rooms
town towns horse horses
house houses mouse mice
hill hills sheep sheep

3. Разгадай кроссворд и в выделенных клетках ты прочитаешь новое слово. Правильно подобрать слова тебе помогут предложения.

Рабочая тетрадь Enjoy English 4 класс Биболетова Денисенко - Sections 1. We like the place we live! - 2

1) There are a lot of beautiful flower next to his house.

2) There are a lot of trees in the garden.

3) There is a long new road next to his house.

4) We like to live on the farm.

5) The farmer rides his favourite horse every morning.

6) A cow is a large farm animal. It gives milk.

7) Many people in Russia live in the country.

8) A sheep is a farm animal. It gives wool and meat.

9) There are ten sheep and a cow in the green field.


4. Запиши вопросы.

1) There is a small field next to the house. – Is there a small field next to the house?

2) People will work in the garden in May. – When will people work in the garden?

3) They will live on the farm next summer. – Where will they live next summer?

4) Ann likes small flowers. – What does Ann like?

5) He will come to this hill on Sunday to ski and to toboggan. – Why will he come to this hill on Sunday?

5. Напиши Алексу письмо. Расскажи ему о городе (селе), в котором ты живёшь.

Dear Alex,

My name is Jill. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns and farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. I live in Novosibirsk. It’s a big city. The streets are wide and long in Novosibirsk.
In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses.

Our country is beautiful! Come and see us!

Best wishes,

Jill Moris


Dear Alex,

My name is Ann. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns and farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. It’s a big city. The streets are wide and long in Moscow. In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses.

I live in the country. In the country you can see green fields and hills, long rivers and nice green gardens with apple trees. There are a lot of cows, horses and sheep on the farms. The houses in the country are nice and small.

Our country is beautiful! Come and see us!

Best wishes,

Ann Serova

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